Neuropathy Treatments

Symptoms of seizures in children



- Seizures

- Diagnosing seizure in a child

Symptoms of seizures in child

- Prevention techniques


Symptoms of seizures in children

As already said, loss of consciousness, strange behavior are some common symptoms, however in children, they may have different types. Following are some of them explained:

  • Generalized convulsions- One of the most dramatic symptoms to observe. It means that your child will go through a couple of symptoms like rhythmic jerking, muscle spasms, rolling eyes and breathing difficulty. Often tired and mystified following the seizure, your child may not remember it later. This is quite common with grand mal and febrile seizures.
  • Children suffering from complex partial seizures will experience symptoms like repetitive movements such as chewing, lip smacking, or clapping, followed by confusion. They are quite common.

Despite that, seizures are not life threatening, it can affect the quality of life. While most last only a few minutes and stop on their own, very occasionally some can be followed instantly by a series of others! Requiring immediate medical attention, this can be fatal Hence, consulting a general practitioner at the earliest will help in recovery.

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Neurology Muscular Dystrophy and Neuropathy Specialist
4408 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 278-2525