headaches are a very common problem and unfortunately
very under treated even though it is a very treatable
condition. With the proper diagnosis and treatment
most patients should be able to achieve
control of their headaches.
of a Migraine Headaches:
Do you have any of the following symptoms?
One sided headaches
A throbbing, pounding, pulsating headache
Sensitivity to noise
Sensitivity to light
Family history of headaches
Severe headaches
If you have some of the above symptoms then you might have migraines.You don't need to have all the symptoms to be diagnosed.
Sometimes migraines are preceded
by warning signs that are called auras. These could include:
Paralysis, numbness, or tingling of one side of the body.
Seeing stars or zigzag lines
Tunnel vision
Temporary blind spot
Difficulty talking
And other neurological symptoms
These symptoms are usually fully
Even though these symptoms occur with migraines they also
occur with other serious diseases including seizures, strokes,
and tumors. With the help of your physician the proper diagnosis
should be made.