Neuropathy Treatments
Dr. Shaoulian was able to diagnose my problem where others couldn’t.
He prescribed a systemic therapy which proved to be quite successful. Once completely debilitated, I feel there is hope.
He really helped me. Thanks so much.
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Treatments of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatment

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome





Once the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is made we will determine the best possible treatment for the patient trying to prevent further nerve damage and trying to reverse the process. The different treatment options include bracing, injections, physical therapy, and surgical correction. The treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome that is chosen depends on the severity of nerve damage shown on the EMG/nerve conduction study, making this test very crucial. The earlier in the disease process that we see the patient the better chances of recovery. The later in the course the patient comes to our attention the chances of recovery are less, the patient could develop permanent paralysis, and surgical procedures might be required even though they could have been avoided early in the disease course. Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome could have full recovery with minimal intervention if they seek medical attention and treatment early.

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Neurology Muscular Dystrophy and Neuropathy Specialist
9301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 600, Beverly Hills (Los Angeles County), CA 90210
(310) 278-2525