How to Get Settlement for Your Personal Injury
Decide on the settlement amount :
frame out a figure that you believe your claim is worth, as you put together the settlement demand letter. Decide between two ranges that you would accept. Fix out a bottom line amount that you don’t want to get least of this and start with the discussion. Having said that, you do not have to stick on to the amount that you set for yourself if incase you are ready to be paid more than the amount you fixed in mind. Revise it according to the facts of the injury.
Don’t get excited at the first offer :
initially it is good to know what the other party is ready to offer. It is a standard practice of insurance agents to start their bid with least amounts or sometimes, denying ¬liability all in all. By doing so, they will find out whether you are aware of the worth of the claim and then go for the amount, so be calm and know your real ransom. Respond according to the amount, if you find it reasonable make a counteroffer i.e. little less the demand amount to show the agent that even you are reasonable. With little more negotiation, you should arrive to the final settlement.
If it’s a low offer, let the agent validate :
as aforementioned, if you find that the agent is using that negotiating tactic, make sure that you don’t lower the amount mentioned in demand letter. Instead ask him to validate on such a low proposal. Have a keen focus on the conversation and based on the valid points of the agent lower your demand slightly.
Put emphasis on emotional points and the suffering that you have undergone. Wait for a positive response and know when to take on an attorney.
Inspite of following all necessary steps if you still experience a very low settlement quote then with no further delay you can contact bartonlaw group for legal representation.