Neuropathy Treatments
Dr. Shaoulian was able to diagnose my problem where others couldn’t.
He prescribed a systemic therapy which proved to be quite successful. Once completely debilitated, I feel there is hope.
He really helped me. Thanks so much.
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Neuropathy Treatment for Foot Tingling

Foot tingling is an extremely bothersome symptom, with that said; it can sometimes be benign and temporary. On the other hand, it can be a symptom of anxiety or other severe condition. In lots of cases, nevertheless, tingling in the hands, feet, or both can be severe, sporadic, or persistent. Accompanying other symptoms like numbness, itchiness it is important to know the causes of it. When the aforesaid symptoms pair with foot tingling, it is a sign of nerve damage. This article discusses some of the neuropathy treatment available for foot tingling.

Causes of tingling- after standing for a long time or sitting in a same position for an extended duration, many of us would have felt the foot tingling. In some people this happens when they run too long. In view of the fact that such strenuous activity tend to limit the blood flow through legs such numbness crops up. However, this may occur due to other reasons like low back injury, diabetes pressure on peripheral nerves.

Based on the primary cause of the tingling, treatments will be given. With that said treatment will differ from person to person and depending upon the intensity of the disorder as well. On the other hand, tingling feet can sometimes be a warning sign of a more serious condition such as peripheral neuropathy or diabetes. Upon a thorough check up treatment will be given. A proper Foot tingling diagnosis by your podiatrist can put a stop to the tingling feet from returning.















Neurology Muscular Dystrophy and Neuropathy Specialist
4408 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 278-2525